Supported by beautiful weather, an excellent organization and a most warm hospitality, all DONAU machines were presented live, in the DONAU Service and Technology Centre as well as in their proper manufacturing departments.
Multiple interesting applications were shown and demonstrated. Many visitors were impressed and used this occasion to discuss in-depth with experienced DONAU experts their specific needs with time- and cost-saving solutions to it.
A special Highlight was the CNC-operated DONAUMERIC 440, equipped with a moving protective Security system consisting of 3 Laser Scanners, protecting both operator and machine.
Well-received was the new DONAUALPHA 30, now available with an optional digital positioning assistant and position readout function.
Particularly large numbers of visitors from abroad could be welcomed.
Extremely important and encouraging was the interest of Technical Schools during these three days, even from beyond the region. Amongst them were schools from Munich and Linz.